For nogen tid siden stille HeLene et spørgsmål om hvorvidt olie på huden blev harsk. Jeg turde ikke vove mig ud i at svare men sendte det videre til Ewa Daniél, toksikolog hos Allergy Certified, som fandt det yderst interessant og for at få en antioxidant-ekspert på, sendte hun det videre til en af de bedste, Markus Schröder hos Cosphatec. Han har svaret og egentlig er der jo ingen grund til at jeg skal være mellemled, så det indsættes herunder. Men ro på, din faceolie bliver ikke harsk på huden!
Den nye tofasede SOS rescue oil fra pHformula indeholder netop bl.a. den stærke duo C-og E-vitamin, til at beskytte. Olierne er argan-, sød mandel, jojoba, sesam og oliven. Derudover planteekstrakter og hexapeptid 8, som i det selskab bidrager til at forbedre kollagenet mens huden i øvrigt med en styrket barriere holder bedre på fugten og dermed får glow og glathed. pHformula er i det hele taget en speciel og specielt spændende serie med bl.a. de tre vitamincremer A, B3 og C, som du sikkert kender. Find forhandler HER
“….indeed this is an interesting request.
Basically I’d say yes, sure. Oils will generally undergo a rancification process which is promoted by contact to oxidizing substances or oxygen itself.
Nevertheless the important points are the time and exposure.
Antioxidants in the formulations which are aimed to protect the fats of the product from rancification are chosen and dosed for the storage period of the product. This is completely in contrast to the time the product stays on the skin. It’s true that they are exposed much more to oxygen in this short time period. But if you look at rancification tests they are usually done by bubbling Air through the sample at high temperatures of 70-90° C or more and you’ll get rancification half time values of several hours. This is not really in relation to real life exposure of emulsions on skin to air at RT. I’d not assume that rancification process under normal conditions turns emulsions rancid during the time they stay on the skin unless you have another oxidizing factor on the skin. And if yes the mixed tocopherols should also offer some kind of protection against that.
Maybe the customer was also mixing up antioxidants for product protection with antioxidants for skin protection?
As you know we divide between mixed tocopherols for product protection and alpha-Tocopherol for skin protection. There are also other products like vitamin C, other plant and algae extracts on the market for skin protection. The antioxidants for skin protections are normally thought to protect the skin cells from oxidation that may be caused for example by UV radiation directly in the skin cells. We regard them more as actives against cell damage than as antioxidants…..”
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Løfter også hatten! 🙂
Lise Grosmann skriver
Sisi: Tak <3
Else D skriver
også min ?, alt bliver dokumenteret – til bunds ?
Lise Grosmann skriver
Else D: Tak kære Else!
Eva B skriver
Hatten af for din enorme grundighed, Lise ? hvor er det flot.
Lise Grosmann skriver
Eva B: MER ((; Tusind tak Eva <3